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Arnerich Massena #GivingTuesday Giving Guide Drawing


Congratulations to California State University Chico for being the winner of Arnerich Massena’s annual #GivingTuesday drawing! Each year, we hold a random drawing of all the organizations in our Holiday Giving Guide to select one as the recipient of our #GivingTuesday $1,000 donation. We’re excited to honor #GivingTuesday this year with a donation to support the students and community at Chico State. Learn more about California State University Chico below.

#GivingTuesday is “a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world” by “reimagining a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.” Founded in 2012 as a day to encourage people to do good, it has since expanded into a global movement inspiring hundreds of millions of people and celebrating generosity around the world. “Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help,” says the website, “every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to contribute toward building the better world we all want to live in.”

This year marks the sixth annual publication of Arnerich Massena’s Holiday Giving Guide, featuring charitable organizations to which we have a deep connection and for which we have a profound appreciation. The organizations in this guide have collectively made far-reaching impacts into countless lives, and we are pleased to offer this philanthropic resource for generous souls seeking a way to give this season, as well as to honor the ways in which we’ve all already contributed and celebrate the amazing work they are doing. Access the guide here.

Each year, we select from the Giving Guide a recipient for our #GivingTuesday donation; congratulations to this year’s winner, California State University Chico:

California State University Chico

Founded in 1887, Chico State is the second-oldest institution in the 23-campus California State University system, the nation’s largest public university system. A 21-time US News & World Report “Top Public School in the West,” Chico State prides itself on its high-quality, high-value education, an active and engaged student body, and strong connections with the local community and state of California. Recognized for a focus on sustainability and community involvement, students expand their possibilities through nearly 400 academic offerings and co-curricular programs, and work closely with expert faculty to devise solutions for the unprecedented global challenges of the 21st century.

Access Arnerich Massena’s full Holiday Giving Guide here to find out more about a number of amazing organizations helping our communities thrive and flourish., and join us in participating in #GivingTuesday. Thank you to all philanthropists for your generosity and charity — happy season of giving!